Home County Down Newtownards Hair Salons Sharon Malcolm Hairdressing |
39a High Street, Newtownards, County Down, BT23 7HS, United Kingdom
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You can book at Sharon Malcolm Hairdressing Newtownards online using our Book Now button located above. Select from a list of services offered, pick your favourite Sharon Malcolm Hairdressing staff member and book from the dates available.
Sharon Malcolm Hairdressing opened its doors in October 2000. Sharon celebrated twenty three years in Business on the 16th October this year and having recently completed an extensive refurbishment the business goes from strength to strength!
The salon won its first awards at the British Hairdressing Business Awards in 2002 for Best Independent Salon Business Newcomer. And since then, Sharon and her team have been regular winners at awards, including Best Customer Service, Best in Training and Development and Best Regional Award. Sharon has won Northern Ireland Hairdresser of the Year three times which inducts her into the British Hairdressing Awards Hall of Fame. Sharon has also won Trend Image of the Year in the British Hairdressing Awards 2020 and 2021.
Sharon and her team believe that 50 per cent of what they do is with a pair of scissors and the other 50 per cent is Customer Delight! From a smile when you walk through the door to an up-to-date magazine to a fabulous haircut / colour everything in between and a happy exit. Consultation and Communication are vital in caring for any client.
Reviewed by 1689 customers (view comments)
The overall ranking and star rating is based on customer reviews received in the last 6 months. All customers that paid for a service at Sharon Malcolm Hairdressing were requested to complete an independent review by mylocalsalon (a minimum of 26 reviews are required within the last 6 months to receive a ranking).
Overall | Environment | Care |
Service Quality & Prof. Advice |
Value for money |
Ultimate Question (Referral) |
Opening Hours
Payments Accepted |
Ladies Cut | Mens Cut | Childrens Cut | Blowdry | Upstyle |
Highlights | Permanent Colour | Lightening | Semi-Permanent Colour | Straightening |
Waves | Treatments |
Brands Stocked
What our customers are saying about us
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Newtownards 02 May 2021 |
Belfast 02 May 2021 |
Newtownards 01 May 2021 |
Newtownards 01 May 2021 |
Newtownards 01 May 2021 |
Allison Young
Newtownards 01 May 2021 |
Amazing service . Totally professional. Fantastic colour and cut . I had a lovely massage on the chair and head massage too . Warm and welcoming and friendly. Very safe and all measures In place .